First thing that came into my mind….


… is that this is great! πŸ˜€

I finally have a better site, and maybe, if I continue to write on it, a little blog.

Here I’ll be posting about my work, about the shootings, about the people I work and I like to work with, special projects, my thoughts about some photographic works of others, what I want to be when I grow up, and lots and lots of other stuff.

Hopefully you that read this will help me improve myself at my work by commenting on the posts, I can take advice in consideration any time. But only the constructive ones , so don’t be a hater πŸ™‚

For those of you who don’t know anything about me, here’s some stuff:

I am a professional photographer for more than eight years now. I like to shoot people, pets or little interesting and cute animals. Of course, I do objects or product too , but I don’t like them –Β they don’t talk back to me. And now you’re gonna say that animals don’t talk either.. Oh yes they do, through their cute faces that they make πŸ™‚

If you want to keep up with my work faster, follow me an Facebook and Instagram. Bellow you have my Facebook page link:


If you have question, you can send them by commenting on my posts or directly by email, on You can leave messages on the Facebook page.

I’m constantly looking for new models, new faces to work with, so if you are interested in working with me, send me and email, message on Facebook, and we’ll continue from there.


See you next time! Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later πŸ˜€

Be good!

man invites you to a cold drink on the beach

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