Hello guys,
As I was working on my images, I got the idea of writing about this on the blog.
So, the image in this post is the result of combining two images: the original one, and the “mirrored image” next to it. Basically, you have your image, you duplicate it, you flip it horizontally, you put it next to the original one, and you are done.
This is a little trick that, in some circumstances – like our image – can lead to spectacular images or collages. You can do this with all kinds of images: people, animals, object or product images, etc, and you can get really nice stuff. In the next posts I will show you more of these 🙂
There are lots of applications that do this kind of collages for facebook, instagram and so on, so this is not a new thing, but the result can be surprising almost every time .
Until the next post, if you have questions about this or anything else, please let me know in a comment or an email, and i will answer asap.
Bellow, you have the original image 🙂
Be good!
I would like to include a slmape chapter that is actually a feature article, which appeared previously in a small magazine. (I am, of course, the author of the article in question.) In my proposal, I would indicate that the material had been published previously. My question is, would the inclusion of this chapter hurt or help the proposal? Would an editor consider the work self-plagiarized? Are there any ethical considerations?
If everyone wrote such as this, the net would be amazing.
Thank you!